When sheet metal is bent, the inside bending surface is compressed. Whereas the outer surface is stretched. As a result, overall sheet length increases. You can use this sheet metal flat pattern calculator to calculate this increase in length.

For example when sheet metal of length “L” is bend. After bending, the total length (A+B) is larger than length “L”. Click this Link!! To know more about sheet metal k-factor and flat length calculations.
How To Use Sheet Metal Flat Length Calculator
Here are the steps to be followed to calculate sheet metal flat length:
Step-1: Enter Flange Length, Internal Radius, and thickness values.
Step-2: Enter K factor values. Use K-Factor Calculator to calculate k factor values.
Step-3: Value of Bend Deduction and Flat pattern are shown in Result Section.
Note: Keep default values in the calculator as zero.
Sheet Metal Flat Pattern Calculator
To sum up, This calculator can be used to calculate sheet metal flat length. Sheet metal flat pattern is calculated using the k factor. k factor value can be calculated by the reverse-engineering method.
We will keep adding more information on the sheet metal flat pattern calculator. Please share your suggestions, comments, or questions in the comment box.
when we finding the flat length of sheet what is inside radius? How can find it?
depends on the tools you are using. Generally equals to the sheet thickness
0.7 * thickness for CRCA and steel
same as thickness for all non ferous
flat length calculator formula