Evaporation is a vaporization process where liquid changes into the gas phase at the surface of the liquid. This process maintains the water cycle on earth, refrigeration applications, re-vaporization of liquefied gases, etc. This article covers different ...
How does Infrared Thermometers Work? : Application Advantages
What are Infrared Thermometers? Infrared (IR) thermometers or contactless/non-contact thermometers can measure surface or body temperature from a distance using infrared radiations.The use of non-contact IR thermometers to measure body temperatur ...
What is Radiation Heat Transfer?
What is Radiation Heat Transfer ? Radiation heat transfer is the transfer of heat from one body to another body in the form of electromagnetic waves. Most of these radiations lie in the infrared region. Unlike Conduction and Convection, radiation heat ...
Convection Heat Transfer – Natural and Forced Convection
What is Convection Heat Transfer? Transfer of heat from one place to another due to the molecular movement of fluids such as air or liquid is known as convective heat transfer.When air molecules move from one place to anothe ...
Conduction Heat Transfer: Everything You need to Know
This image shows a Man wearing thermal insulating gloves to protect himself from heat due to conduction heat transfer From a hot Plate. While holding hot objects, it feels hot. This phenomenon occurs due to heat transfer ...
Modes of Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation
Heat is a form of energy that can be transferred by three different modes from a hot body to a cold body or from higher to lower temperatures. Total heat transfer is equal to the sum of heat transferred by all three modes of heat transfer: Conduction, Con ...
Heat Sink Thermal Resistance and Size Calculation: Heat Sink Selection
An increase in heat dissipation rate and reduction in overall form factor has made thermal management of electronics products a challenging task. Heat sinks cool electronics devices by increasing heat dissipating surface area. In this article, we will dis ...